
Showing posts from August, 2020

Is Concrete A Good Insulator Of Heat?

  Bricks are often sold as great insulators, but it does not necessarily stand out in terms of insulation. It has a large thermal mass, is permeable to water, does not rot and does not need a regular coat of fresh paint. But the truth is that there is much more, especially in terms of insulation and thermal insulation in general.   The insulation value of solid rock is negligible unless you really take into account the thermal mass of the material, which absorbs heat and cold easily and then stays there for a long time. Therefore, it is best to insulate stone walls from the outside, as the thermal mass eventually becomes warm and stays warm. Without sufficient insulation, all the energy used to heat or cool the building is lost to the outside world. If it is too cold, heat can be lost in all directions, so you should think of a holistic insulation that keeps heat in the house, but not so much if it is too hot.  A steel and concrete building uses much more heating and cool...